Cusco now


I want to keep pulling my thread

Author: CTTC - Yanett Melo.

Published: 23/10/2021


General News


I want to share, my experience from the moment CTTC started in Pitumarca, we were only four girls, Teófila, Valeria, Herminia and I, who followed their mothers, but the conditions were to go with a typical suit, know how to do something like for example : Valeria and Herminia knew how to braid the Awatanas, thin ropes that are used to tie or hold the loom to the poles from which it is woven; Teófila wove puytus, ribbons of different sizes and designs that are used on the edge of skirts and jackets in typical clothes of the area; I only knew how to spin and twist a little, they were the first meetings where the women invited by mr. Timoteo Ccarita, gathered to wait for Mrs. Nilda Callañaupa who arrived with her group of foreign tourists where they bought the old fabrics, and what they had woven.
I was still between 6 and 7 years old when I began to immerse myself in the wonderful world of the traditional fabrics of my community, at that time I always longed to weave like my mother did, then one day, my parents helped me to weave my first loom waist was Wayaqa, an ecological bag where you can store and carry the toasted corn, it is like sacks, but in miniature, from that moment that spark of continuing to learn more techniques and designs was ignited, my first design that I learned was; waka churu, my mother used to say: if one learns this design, others can learn, since it is the mother of designs, and that happened to me, I know all the designs in my community, without exception.
Since then, CTTC has given me the opportunity to value my identity and culture where I come from and where I wanted to go. I feel very proud to be a weaver and to be part of the CTTC staff, I will always be very grateful to the Director and all those people who support the NGO, to keep it going. I know that I am not the only one, we are many, the young people who have always supported us, in particular, traditional fabrics helped me a lot to achieve my higher studies. I am currently in the sales area, my goal is to sell the pieces from all the communities. Being a weaver helps me to distinguish the fabrics of the 10 communities, share my experiences about the weaving process and use of instruments, explain about the techniques, materials, designs and colors, among many other things.
Yanett Soto Chuquichampi Añay.